Sunday, March 8, 2009

Baby Wendy is HOME at last!

She's finally home!!!
Bekah looks a lil' nervous!
Paw Paws snuggle time...
I think Granny's a little bit proud of her : )
Ok folks, that's the end of me updating the website! Hope you enjoyed the pictures and sweet moments...Remeber to leave some comment LuV on Chris and Sara's blog!


  1. It's so sweet to see her wearing the same gown you & Bekah & Abby wore! So sweet!!!

  2. what a cutie pie! she is beautiful! love you guys and wish we could be there to share in your fun and excitement!

  3. Congratulations on your precious baby. She is beautiful. May God bless your family.
    Ruth (Farmgirl from MaryJanes Farm)
