Sunday, March 29, 2009

Im back!!!! I think... nothing is for sure anymore. like sleep and when i can eat. im typing with one hand right (forgive the lake of capitals and miss spelling. the miss spelling has nothing to do with my new way of typing, just me :) iv learned a lot of cool stuff, i can eat and feed wendy at the same time. sleep and feed wendy, iv even managed to make a surprise dinner for my hubby and feed Wendy at the same time. dinner was a surprise after me not cooking for three weeks. lol he got his new job and Wendy and I wanted to do something for our man. wendy was not much help, I fed her every ten min for five min. I realize it would have been btr to just to feed her fo the 30 min and then cook but I started so life has changed a lot. there is no possible way on earth to make a five min run to the store b4 sup, and never plan a full night of sleep and when you get it its great. and shopping is not fun anymore. just a pain in your booty. (really) but i wouldn't trade wendy for any of that stuff. she it the sunshine in my day. and sometimes at night. she has the most beautiful little face. i hate when she is awake and someone els has her. im a jealous momma. but shes myn. lol but I love ppl to love her and look at her. so today she is three weeks and three days and still changing my life (for the better) everyday. he uncles that live here,Andrew ,Luke and Brandon. are in love. but shes stolen her daddy's hart and doesn't plan on giving it back to just me anytime soon. Hes in love with us both. so we use it when we want hes the sweetest daddy ever. anyway, ill post some pics soon. but iv got things to do now. bye!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Baby Wendy is HOME at last!

She's finally home!!!
Bekah looks a lil' nervous!
Paw Paws snuggle time...
I think Granny's a little bit proud of her : )
Ok folks, that's the end of me updating the website! Hope you enjoyed the pictures and sweet moments...Remeber to leave some comment LuV on Chris and Sara's blog!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!
Psalm 127:3-5
Three Beautiful Girls!
Little Wendy
She won't be this small for long...
Abby was amazed at how tiny Wendys hands were..

She has her smile back! Isn't that a beautiful mama?

She's the BEST THING!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The waiting is almost over...

Waiting on Wendy...

Well today is my due date. But Wendy is still not here. It seems like yesterday I was braking the news to everyone,and now I'm here, 40 weeks. Iv had a great preg. long like every one's, but good.:) But as great as its been I'm ready to hold a baby. so my Dr. gave me the ok on going in this week. so I'm heading to the hospital tonight and they will start me at 4 in the morning. so Ill have a baby by tomorrow night. I'm going to go for a natural birth and so far feel really good about everything. I have a good man to stay with me though everything and my family that I know will be praying me through. My mom washed all my clothes for me and I've cleaned my little house from top to Christopher took yesterday to spend with just me. He helped me clean and cooked for me and made me laugh a lot and then he made me our own little party with a movie, candy, and he played games with me. It was fun. So I guess that's the end of being two crazy old kids. Its time to be momma and daddy now.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

These are my tulips. I got them for a dollar and watered them every day. I was so excited to see what colors they are.